Welcome to Slottsrestaurangen!
Here we offer lunch, sandwiches, drinks, sweets or ice cream.
Lunch, served 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Two alternatives. Please check inside the restaurant to see what we offer.
Include salad, bread and coffee
Lunch 169 kr
Lunch for kids 85 kr
Lunchmenu, served 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Salad of the day 149 kr
Served with garlic bread
Oven baked pancake 69 kr / double 99 kr
Served with whipped cream and jam
Swedish hotdog in bread 35 kr
Cafémenu, served all day
Smörrebröd 75 kr
Scandinavian sandwich made with rye bread
Tunnbrödsrulle 59 kr
Swedish flatbread roll with toppings
Hot chocolate 47 kr
Welcome inside to see our fantastic home-made pastries and bread.